Of course, this is unintentional. Why go through the trouble of having children
just to make their lives harder than they must be? No parent in their right mind
tries to do that. But the results are the same; our children come to school not just unprepared, but badly-prepared. They come with wrong information, unrealistic expectations and terrible habits that make their presence in school a waste of time for everyone involved – our child, the teacher and administration, our child’s classmates, and their families. Please know this means two things:
1. Our child is not learning, and
2. Our child’s presence is having a negative impact on
a. The teacher’s ability to teach, and
b. Their classmate’s learning.
It’s a waste of time for us, too; what with having to run back and forth to school;
threatening our employment by having to talk on the phone and/or leave work
early to pick up our child; derailing our family’s and friend’s plans by having them pick up and keep our child if we can’t do it; busting a gut finding childcare on days our child is suspended; taking a chance on catching a neglect case for leaving them home alone sometimes. It’s a whole mess.
Brace yourself – here comes some tough love. School staff and many of their classmates hate to see some of our children coming through the doors. Coincidentally, these particular children never miss a day of school - LOL!
Strong language, I know, especially when we’re talking about our precious little innocent angels. But it’s the truth. Ask a teacher.